Sunday, November 30, 2008

News - National Insurance explained

The National Insurance system pays for a number of benefits and the retirement pension. Most people who work have to pay National Insurance Contributions (NI) unless they are one of the groups who are exempt from the system.

News - Travel insurance probe under way

Read source of it on the News - Travel insurance probe under way page An travel cancellation insurance canada into the sale of travel insurance with package holidays has been launched by the Treasury.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Flood victims face insurance risk

People forced out of their homes by July floods may be unaware they risk losing insurance.

Student Health Insurance Plan - 5 Questions You Must Ask

Although most health insurance plans that parents have will insure their children up until the age of 24, it is sometimes more financially practical for parents to look into student health insurance plans once their children leave for ...

Basic Types of Health Insurance

Health care insurance can be confusing even for those who have some experience with it. For those who are new to it, it can be downright unfathomable. A good place to begin learning more about the iss.

Travel Insurance! Do Not Leave Home Without It

Today more travelers are booking their own flight reservations online anywhere from air tickets to car rental and as a result many travelers overlook the need there is for travel insurance which helps protect against unforeseen ...

Finding Health Insurance for Your Small Business

Is affordable small business health insurance a myth? No, but it's not easy to find good small business health insurance. Here's some good advice on shopping for health insurance.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ameripan Insurance Alternative

This is a paid post brought to you by Ameriplan is a company that prides itself on providing insurance alternatives and medical benefits.

Foti Suing Insurance Companies, Alleging Price Fixing

Lawsuit filed in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.

Understanding Dental Insurance

With the rising cost of dentistry, more and more patients are opting for dental insurance. Many people believe that dental insurance is a lot like medical insurance.

Risking the Weather: The Insurance Sector Faces Climate Change

A new report sponsored by Ceres and written by Evan Mills, one of the recipients of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, highlights new products offered by the insurance sector in response to the changing climate.

Choosing the best car insurance for you

Trying to find the best car insurance for you may be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

CNA ERISA Insurance

I have just had a situation similar to this arise. I have been drawing longtern disability benefits thru Cigna Insurance, and Social Security disability benefits for 12 yrs.

Car Insurance as an Operating Expense

If property taxes and insurance are considered part of the secured debt for the purposes of the Means Test under the theory that they are required by the mortgage company to be paid, why is car insurance not considered part of the ...

Is health insurance really working?

The estimated 46 million Americans who go without health insurance get a lot of media attention. But how happy are the 256 million with coverage? A snapshot of primary care taken one September morning at Dr.

Zurich Insurance, Baosteel to jointly buy 30.55 pct of New China ...

BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Zurich Insurance Co and Shanghai Baosteel Group Corp will jointly acquire a 30.554 pct stake in New China Life Insurance Co from China's insurance protection fund, the Economic Observer reported over the weekend.

Home insurance - most expensive states

The most expensive states in America to insure a home are: Texas Louisiana Oklahoma Florida Mississippi District of colombia California Kansas Colorado Alaska The Average Annual Premium in Alaska is $810.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Get Your Health Insurance Quotes

Looking for a good health insurance is a daunting experience, of course you will hassle and troublesome free if you have chosen a good health insurance, whereas you will turn headache or wasting your money if you were making a mistake ...

READ Your Insurance Policies

I posted on this subject earlier this week that all professional liability insurance policies are not made equal. Well guess what?


100_2111_2 And this is how we feel about you - insurance company that we have been dealing with for 5 months. Thank you for NOT helping us. Thank you for not telling us the truth when you said that you would cover us.

Clinical Trial Insurance

If you’re a small sponsor getting ready for a clinical trial, plan on shelling out at least $10000 to $25000 more per year than the actual cost of that study.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pet Sitter Insurance: Protecting Yourself From Litigations

Being a pet sitter is a serious business. It’s not just about playing with the dog and taking it for a walk. If you happen to have a home-based dog sitting business, it is best for you to get a pet sitter insurance.

Offers niche products for over 170000 members throughout ...

Offers niche products for over 170000 members throughout California auto insurance quote in Southern California for the auto insurance insurance NorthBay Auto / Commercial Auto Insurance are a quote in A DAY FREE QUOTES!

Top Ten Car Insurance Questions and Answers

Got car insurance questions? Here are the top ten car insurance questions complete with answers. Do I need car insurance to drive my car? Yes.

Cheap Insurance - Ten Tips

Cheap insurance? Auto insurance, life insurance, health insurance, liability insurance - whatever type of insurance you need, you can buy it for less. Try the following:. 1. Raise you deductible.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Female Car Insurance - Can There Really Be A Difference?

Female auto insurance is almost similar to other normal auto insurances except for few distinguishing features. It is necessary for all vehicle drivers to have sufficient insurance coverage irrespective of differences in gender, etc.

Insurance Consultant ( Charlotte Area, NC US )

Categories: Insurance Agents AAA Insurance, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a personal lines independent insurance agency.

VP - Insurance Accounting Role

A prestigious global investment bank is searching for an experienced insurance specialist to establish a new division.

USA Today Attacks Limited Health Insurance Policies

When is nothing better than something? When it's a limited health insurance policy, according to the USA Today.


Yes, it's that time of year again, the car insurance is due ! I understand the need for car insurance, but I can't help feeling really taken atvantage of when it comes to the cost.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Insurance Support Services - Catch Me If You Can

Insurers have reacted angrily to accusations of under paying personal injury claims and have countered by arguing third-party capture helps halt spiralling costs but, as Sam Barrett explains, there are hopes of a truce ...

Price Insurance May 14, 2007 7:10 am

Title insurance matches may be rigged Canton Repository (subscription), OH - 5 hours ago The GAO report points out that consumers find it difficult to shop for title insurance and there is very little pressure on insurers to compete on ...

Private Medical Insurance May 8, 2007 6:06 pm

Launch of private medical insurance products Malta Independent Online, Malta - 13 hours ago GasanMamo Insurance has launched a range of private medical insurance products, under the name Sana Healthcare, which will be underwritten and ...

Should you buy travel insurance from an Agent?

There has been some 'research' released by InsureandGo that claims travel agencies are ripping consumers off with travel insurance policies up to 91.8% more for a single trip than when purchased online from the top 25% most competitive ...

Companies find new insurance program makes exercise pay off

A popular hypothesis states that if 30 percent of people improved their diets, simply moved about more and dealt better with stress, health care costs could be reduced 24 percent per year nationwide, he said.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Term-Life Insurance Policies Are Good Bargains

By Karen Damato, the Wall Street Journal A key financial product -- term-life insurance -- continues to get cheaper and easier to buy. Prices for coverage have plummeted, partly because people are living longer.

Insurance Defense Lawyers Duties, Responsibilities, and ...

Here's a story about oral arguments before SCOKY and issues pertaining to the acts of representations of an attorney representing an insured. Are those actions in defending the insured attributed to the insurance company.

Health Insurance?

I'm turning 23 on May 1st, and my status as a dependent on my dad's health insurance expires. It's weird to put an expiration date on my youth!

Understanding Health Insurance Policies

HEALTH INSURANCE Critical Illness Insurance A policy that pays out a lump sum if the holder is diagnosed with a serious medical condition. Health Insurance Insurance against loss because of ill health or accidental bodily injury.

Health Insurance Deduction

You can deduct the full cost of health insurance you purchase for yourself, your spouse, and/or your dependents. You must be self-employed, and you must not be eligible to participate in a group health plan.

Insurance Disputes

Insurance Disputes - Financial Ombudsman I found this article to be very informative. Many people are not covered for their portable equipment under their household insurance policies, yet they assume the insurance would cover this.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Proposed hedge fund registration may increase insurance requirements

Proposed National Instrument 31-103 which outlines registration requirements for hedge fund participants may significantly increase insurance costs for firms participating in hedge funds, according ...

Car Cheap Insurance Insurance Travel

Cheap Insurance Travel Tunisia UkAgent Columbus Health Insurance Ohioagent columbus health insurance ohioOur website is designed for people who are involved in agent columbus health insurance ohio .

Canada Care In Insurance Long Term

canada care in insurance long term. Washington Auto Insurancewashington auto insuranceLearn about washington auto insurance and its significance in past years and what it may mean to you today.

RotoGuru Baseball Leagues Standings: Insurance Hell Keeper ...

Angry Midget: MJ get with the fn program and make your pick already! LOL.

Boat Insurance: Why You Need It And How To Get It

Every year, thousands of boating accidents go on in the United States. Out of this, 60 percent consequences in some sort of injury. Aside from accidents, boats also get stolen. This is why it is very of import to get boat insurance.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

comedy4cast #100: Tragedy Insurance

While Clinton tries to stop doing his JC Hutchins impression, we hear a sketch about a man desperate to learn the secrets of "tragedy insurance." Plus, learn how you can contribute to the upcoming big comedy4cast episode 103 shindig.

Free Renters Insurance Quote

Learn about free renters insurance quote and its significance in past years and what it may mean to you today. It is very individual health insurance quote and will help increase your house title insurance in many ways.

Judge refuses to endorse Katrina insurance claim settlement

A federal judge in Mississippi has rejected part of a proposed settlement that calls for insurance payments to thousands of Mississippi policyholders whose homes were destroyed or damaged by Hurricane ...

Pay-Per-Mile Auto Insurance

With gas prices heading higher each year, many people are looking for resourceful ways to save on fuel, such as taking the bus, the train, riding a bike or car-pooling to work.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ex-Insurance Agent Sentenced for Fraud

An Española insurance agent was sentenced Monday to 300 hours of community service and three years of probation for siphoning money out of trust funds and spending money earmarked for personal insurance policies.


I used to work in an insurance company prior to getting called to the Bar. It was a good learning ground for me as I am now doing a bit of insurance work as a lawyer. Anyway, we all know how important it is to have insurance.

ASAP - Product Manager -Life Insurance-Risk Products -Temp to Perm

Sydney | Temporary As Product Manager for the Life Insurance portfolio you will manage and develop our client's Individual Risk Product range to enable our client to maintain a portfolio of competitive, customer orientated and ...

Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage insurance is generally required when a borrower has a down payment of less than 20% for the purchase of a house. It is an insurance policy obtained by the lender and paid for by the borrower.

State Site Gives Drivers Edge on Insurance

Guide offers rate comparisons, complaint ratios Automobile insurance prices can vary by thousands of dollars a year for identical Santa Fe drivers, a new guide shows.To make it easier for drivers to s...


Ya’ll know, because I have told you before that I waited a long time to do anything about our car insurance, even though we were paying way too much. Well, I also need to look at our home insurance and make sure we have enough coverage.

Life Insurance For HIV Patients Contingent On Treatment Compliance

Aids causes life insurers to take stock by Mariette le Roux. Mail&Guardian Online. 28 December 2006.

Taking a Cruise? Consider Cruise Insurance

Many people dream about taking a cruise. Rarely do they dream that they might need insurance in case they get hurt on the voyage. Cruise insurance policies are becoming more common as cruising increases in popularity.

Insurance Agency Website Builder 1.5 released

Insurance agents can instantly build a professional website with online quotes for auto, home, life, health and long term care insurance. Absolutely no need to know HTML, web programming, scripting or other technical details.

Czech Insurance Broker Renomia Enters Bulgaria

SOFIA (Bulgaria), January 9 (SeeNews) - Czech insurance and reinsurance broker Renomia has entered t.